The Red Coral gemstone is considered as a powerful stone. It is also called “Moonga” in Hindi. The Red Coral gemstone of Mars is regarded as a symbol of energy. If you are facing problems such as suffering from health diseases, lacking in confidence or you are nervous about talking, at that time red coral gemstone can solve your problem. According to astrology, wearing red coral gemstone increases the courage and confidence of a person.
What is the Red Coral (Moonga) Stone benefits:
Red Coral gemstone is used to increase the energy of Mars in the horoscope. Red coral gemstone has numerous benefits, some benefits are as follows:
- The Red Coral gemstone helps in curing blood related health diseases, bone marrow and head.
- The Red coral also protects the individual against cuts, wounds and injuries.
- People who are suffering from Manglik Dosha they should be wear red coral gemstone.
- The red coral stone ring is also beneficial for children who are suffering from malnutrition.
- The red coral gemstone also develops leadership abilities in you and makes you capable to fight life’s challenges and sufferings.
Red Coral Stone Side Effects
- The red coral gemstone should not be wear without consultation from any expert astrologer. If the red coral stone wearing without advice of an expert astrologer then it can be cause of health problems.
- If the Red Coral stone never suits then may be a possibility of having blood related disorder to the wearer.
- The Red Coral stone can also affect marital life severely.
- If red coral gemstone is worn without the advice of experienced astrologer, it may increase anger in your nature and bitterness in behavior towards people.
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